Queen All Season Sleep System
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Click here to see why a King Decorator Bag works on a standard Queen-sized mattress.
Making the bed can be a struggle especially when it’s an odd shape or size.
So stop making the bed! The Bedspread Superbag is a complete bedding system which lies
atop your bed. Your Bedspread Superbag is made in the USA comes in 25 colors and
A fabric skirt hides a zipper that attaches a summer comforter to a winter
comforter. Extra long sheets attach to the comforters with hook and loop fasteners.
The designer fabric and skirt give the illusion of a standard bedspread but sheets
never need to be tucked!
The price of your Decorator Superbag includes a set of 200 thread count 60/40 cotton/polyester sheets and pillowcases. For the ultimate
in cool comfort you may want to upgrade to our 100% cotton sheets. Extra sheet sets are also available. All sheets are white and extra long
to keep your comforter cleaner, longer.
This simple bedding system is especially convenient for guest bedding since no beds
need to be made! Simply hand the Bedspread Superbag to your guests and when they
leave, easily launder just their sheets and reassemble.
Available for immediate delivery from stock. For custom non stock orders allow 1 to
4 weeks for delivery.
Those living in a tropical climate may also wish to add a Tropical comforter. The
Tropical comforter has no insulation and is used by simply unzipping and removing the
summer comforter and zipping in the tropical comforter in its place. Please order the
Tropical comforter with your Decorator Bag order so that we can custom fit it to your
Superbag. See Tropical Half under
Queen Size, 71"x84" two adults #DRVQ (Select color)(Select sheets)
*This item requires an oversize package surcharge of $7 per sleep system
*Fabric on the inside of Sleep Systems varies